unable to insert refernces from library and sync with online library

im using endnote x7 from university. i was trying to insert citations into my word document but when i search for the reference “no matching records” comes up. also in the dialog box ENDNOTE FIND AND INSERT MY REFERENCES, it has not selected my endnote library; so there are 0 items in list. however, i have my endnote library open in teh background so i dont know why it isnt connecting?? i have used endnote in the past but im using it now on a  new laptop. when i try to sync my library to the online library this message comes up in sync status…

Sync Details
Sync was last run: Never
Sync Status: There are changes that need to be sent.
Error Code: Server.AuthenticationToken.invalidUserCredentials
Error Message: Failed: The username/password specified is not valid.

Local Sync Library
Library Name: My EndNote Library
Records: 1
Groups: 0
Attachments: 0

Online Sync Library
Username: deirdremahon@rcsi.ie
Serial Number: Unable to contact the online service.
Records: Unknown
Groups: Unknown
Attachments: Unknown

Sync Limits
Number of Records: Unknown
Number of Groups: Unknown
Attachment Storage: Unknown

are these two problems connected? 

really need some help here, thanks!!