additional citation templates

Hi all. I’m fairly new to EndNote and have run up against something I don’t know how to do. I have some online resources (databases, web pages) that I want to reference. I’ve gotten these into EndNote, but I don’t want to populate the “Author” or “Year” fields, as they are not applicable. When I try to insert a reference to these items in Word, the item does appear in the bibliography at the end, but it does not appear in the main text-- because the “Author” and “Year” fields are not populated.

I’d like to be able to have a custom “in-text” citation template that woudl allow me to use information in other fields (e.g. title) for the “in-text” reference, but I can’t seem to figure out how to create a new template for this purpose. The only current options I see are:

(Author Year)


Author (Year)

Thank you!


You are correct, there is no way to generate a ref type specific citation template.  However, there are anonymous settings available, and you can choose another field to be used and these settings apply to the citation.  See attached image for your choices.  I usually use the “short title” field as this can filled in with exactly what you would like it to appear in the citation.  You might also explore the APA option, as I am not familiar enough with that format to know if would better fit your needs.  

added in edit – you can also use the prefix field when you edit a formated citation with no author, writing in what ever specific text you would like to appear manually for each one.  Another alternative is to use the Author (Year) field to include any field you would like (field to use, Year) – and switch to that using edit citation option - but you can only apply that setting to one citation - and not a group of citations.