APA-6 Reference for 7+ authors

Hello All,

My editor tells me, correctly, that APA-6 calls for citations with 7 or more authors to be listed this way:

Smith, A., Jones, C., Brown, H., Daley, G., Hall, R., Williams, L., Carter, B., . . . Paulson, D. (2012). 

rather than to use “et al.” after the 6th author.  I just downloaded the updated APA-6 style and it appears to just truncate the author list without including the “…Paulson, D.”  Is there a known fix for this?  I’m using Endnote X3 on a PC with MS Word 2007.

Thanks much,

Hi Daniel,

I believe this functionality is only possible with X4 and X5. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work in X3, no matter that you’ve downloaded the correct APA style.

If I’m wrong, others will correct me.



To confirm Cathy’s comment, this functionality was added in EndNote X4.

 - Mathilda, the EndNote team