Automatically connecting End Note Output Styles to MS Word Styles?

Having spent the better part of a day with Google, I’m still completely flummoxed by what seems to me to be a fairly basic problem: I’d like to configure an End Note Output Style to apply/default to selected MS Word styles. To illustrate what I’d like to do (but which I know doesn’t work)…

Let’s say that an Output Style looked like this:

{STYLEREF “Author Name”}Author: |Author

{STYLEREF “Article Name”}Title

Then what I’d love to have happen is for Word to say “OK, so find the paragraph style named “Author Name” and apply it to this paragraph, and find the paragraph style named “Article Name” and apply it to the second paragraph.” Quark Xpress and InDesign have ‘tags’ that do the same thing, but I’ve drawn a blank in Word and in the End Note documentation.

I’d be quite happy if the link-up was even good enough to just say “Use Word’s default author style for the Author field” but that doesn’t seem to be an option either.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
