Hi everyone,
My biblio style uses the grouped reference with lowercase letter separator (i.e. ref1 , ref2 , ref3 are grouped as 4 in the bibliography but if in any part of the text I cite ref3 that should appear as 4c withing the text).
I recently have added a reference to group 4 which now it’s composed by ref1 , ref2 , ref3 and ref4. In this way, when I cite afterwards ref4 that’s correctly appearing as 4d , but since I want it to appear as 4a I moved it in the first place either by “converting to unformatted citation” and moving in the first place or by “edit & manage citation” moving it with the arrows, no matter what I do, but when I cite ref4 afterwards in the text it appears as the whole 4 group.
Any idea why Endnote is behaving in this way? Pls note that converting everything to unformatted citation and rebuilding the biblio doesn’t work, nor converting only the citation involved in the changes…I think it’s simply the nth Endnote bug which is driving me nuts.
Thanks for any help
macOS 10.14.6; word 16.16.20; Endnote X9.3.3