I know I have asked a version of this prior, and for that I apologize, but I cannot seem to get this to work right.
Since EndNote has not built in facility for corporate authors, I get that during input I am to place a comma at the end of the corporate name, But it doesn’t always seem to work.
The company my father worked for was “S.J. Groves, and Sons, Co.” (No quotes).
So, for example, let’s say I want to enter a book with the following info:
Title: Building Roads
Author: S.J. Groves, and Sons, Co.
Pulisher: Vanity Press
City: Las Vegas
Year: 2014
How do I get that to do intext citations and a bibliography using (Author, date) for the cite, and APA Sixth for the Bibliography?
I tried putting a comma at the end of the author, but that didn’t totally fix it.
In Word 2010, if I just put the author in the corporate author field, I get all correctly placed:
(S.J. Groves and Sons, Co., 2014)
S.J. Groves and Sons, Co. (2014). Building Roads. Las Vegas: Billow and Sons.
How do I replicate this in Endnote X7?
Right now the closest I can come is
(S.J. Groves and Sons 2014)
S.J. Groves and Sons, C. (2014). Building Roads. Las Vegas, Billow and Sons.
If I can figure this out I then could then just copy Corporate authors to the EndNote Author field and add the ending comma, but not if I cannot get the output right.
Chuck Billow