Corporate authors with punctuation

I know I have asked a version of this prior, and for that I apologize, but I cannot seem to get this to work right.

Since EndNote has not built in facility for corporate authors, I get that during input I am to place a comma at the end of the corporate name,  But it doesn’t always seem to work.

The company my father worked for was “S.J. Groves, and Sons, Co.”  (No quotes).

So, for example, let’s say I want to enter a book with the following info:

Title:        Building Roads

Author:    S.J. Groves, and Sons, Co.

Pulisher:  Vanity Press

City:        Las Vegas

Year:        2014

How do I get that to do intext citations and a bibliography using (Author, date) for the cite, and APA Sixth for the Bibliography?

I tried putting a comma at the end of the author, but that didn’t totally fix it. 

In Word 2010, if I just put the author in the corporate author field, I get all correctly placed:

(S.J. Groves and Sons, Co., 2014)

 S.J. Groves and Sons, Co. (2014). Building Roads. Las Vegas: Billow and Sons.

How do I replicate this in Endnote X7?

Right now the closest I can come is

(S.J. Groves and Sons 2014)

S.J. Groves and Sons, C. (2014). Building Roads. Las Vegas, Billow and Sons.

If I can figure this out I then could then just copy Corporate authors to the EndNote Author field and add the ending comma, but not if I cannot get the output right.


Chuck Billow

You can get a correct bibliography entry but partial in-text citation (S.J. Groves, 2014) in EndNote if you enter the following in the Author field:


S.J. Groves,, and Sons, Co.


To correct the citation edit it to exclude both the author and year then manually type the citation intext.

So then CG, if I am understanding what you are saying, there is no real way to do this without manually entering the intext data?  Also, if I exclude the author and date, would that be in effect for all cites?

But then I am entering it twice, yes?  Once in the intext, and then once for the bibliography?  So then I not only double my chance for errors, but eliminate the auto-update for the info, don’t I?

There really should be another way.



Q: …if I am understanding what you are saying, there is no real way to do this without manually entering the intext data?  Also, if I exclude the author and date, would that be in effect for all cites?


A: Yes, unfortunately, Chuck. It appears at present EndNote can’t handle multiple commas in organizational names to generate both a correctly formatted in-text citation and bibliography entry. Manually excluding the author and date will need to be applied for each instance in citing this reference.



Q: But then I am entering it twice, yes?  Once in the intext, and then once for the bibliography?  So then I not only double my chance for errors, but eliminate the auto-update for the info, don’t I?


A: No, the correct bibliography entry will be automatically generated if you change the Author field in the EndNote record to be:   S.J. Groves, and Sons, Co.


Then you just need to use EndNote to edit the in-text citation to exclude both the author and year,  and manually type the citation in-text. If you perform these tasks with EndNote neither the manually typed-in citation nor the bibliography entry will be affected by updates.


You might submit a request on the Product Suggestion section of the forum regarding organizational names with multiple commas and EndNote being able to automatically generate a correct citation without editing.

I ain’t tickled, CG, but then, oh well.



CG, as I think I mentioned, I did put a note into Product Suggestions.  I guess I am a biut surprised that this never came up before.

I kept your post, and am going to walk through it before I import all my cites from Word.  I may be back when I have to start editing all the current cites, if you don’t mind.


Chuck Billow

@cwbillow wrote:

CG, as I think I mentioned, I did put a note into Product Suggestions.  I guess I am a biut surprised that this never came up before.


I kept your post, and am going to walk through it before I import all my cites from Word.  I may be back when I have to start editing all the current cites, if you don’t mind.


Yes, I saw your posting in the Product Suggestion section of the forum. It is surprising that the issue hasn’t been raised before on the forum but maybe folks contacted tech support or maybe there aren’t many users who transition from Word’s referencing system to EndNote.

No problem on editing the citations.  See you on the forum(s).