I’ve been using Endnote to write up my PhD thesis. I recently returned from a break of six months from writing and using Endnote. I went to insert a citation tonight using Endote and received the message that the selected style was not available (or words to that effect). I then went to Output Styles in Endnote, but could not find it there. I spent many hours creating this style and I am hoping I can somehow recover it! Is this possible? Thanks in advance.
By “looking in output styles” did you mean from endnote, or by looking at a folder? Modified styles would not live in the Endnote styles folder in the program folder, but in your “Documents/endnote/styles” location. Did you by any chance delete or move that folder, change machines, or change the location of the folder to pull from, in the endnote program’s preferences? Have you done a thourough search of your computer for *.ens files?