When I insert an endnote citation it puts the citation as subscript instead of superscript. I can change it manually but when I insert the next citation it subscripts every citation that I changed. Also, after you insert the citation and you continue typing, the text is all subscripted. This is very annoying and is impossible to use. Is there any solution to this?
We have not been able to reproduce any issues with Pages and EndNote X2. Please send detailed steps and a sample Pages document and EndNote library to me and I will have the team investigate - and pass along to Apple if needed.
I have the same problem with citations being entered as subscripts instead of superscripts. Also the formatting for the Lancet journal, which should reference citations as superscripts enters them as normal text in parentheses, closer to format for JACC (Journal of the American College of Cardiology). Restarting both programs doesn’t solve either problem for me.
Yes, also happening with myself. I’ve noticed this when using an altered version of the Vancouver style with endnote so that the output style is formatted a superscript and a pre-done Vancouver Superscript .ens file downloaded from my institution. Every time, the output citation is formatted as subscript instead of superscript - and recognised by Pages 09 as being formatted as subscript. Interestingly, if you set the output style as subscript, it is formatted as a normal baseline. This happens with multiple documents and endnote libraries. Given that I’m writing for medical journals, it makes the whole thing fairly useless.
We are now able to reproduce the issue in house. Thanks to those of you who sent in samples for us to work with. Based on our testing it looks like super and sub-scripted numbered in-text citations have a slight formatting anomaly in Pages. When these are set to “superscripted” in EndNote, they are formatted as “subscripted” in Pages and vice versa. An easy enough work-around might be to simply set-up the Output Style in EndNote so that “sub” is applied when you want “super” in Pages. This is very easy to do in Output Style Editor window under “Citation Templates”.
More investigation is needed so we are not confident that the glitch is as consistent or straight forward as this but will post more information when we have it.
We have allerted the Apple Pages team and we are working with them to confirm exactly where the issue might be and what other options are available.
Thanks for your help. Can you please be more specific in where I make this change? I have searched the output style edit options and I’m at a loss as to where you set sub or superscript.
I was able to get this temporary work around to work. Within Endnote menu go to: Edit > Output styles > edit. Then go to Citations > Templates. Highlight the text in the box, something like “Bibliography Number” and from the edit menu choose font > subscript. This last part you may need to do once again if you are getting plain text (neither super- nor subscript). If the subscript font modification takes effect, you should see the text “Bibliography Number” move slightly down in the box to reflect the change took effect.
Attached is a graphic that shows the steps necessary for the proper change in the EndNote Output style editor. The steps are:
Highlight the Citation Template text and choose “Remove Font Formatting” - save this change.
Again, Highlight the Citation Template text and choose either Super or Subscript - save changes - quit and restart both EndNote and Pages.
These steps have been working for everyone testing this internally.
The one subtlety - likely noticed by other here - is that selecting either Super or Subscript does not apply a single setting or Font style [as it does in MS Word]. Instead these options essentially act as a baseline shift. This is why the “Remove Font Formatting” step is necessary first.
I hope this is clear and helps for now. We are working on putting together a more detailed FAQ that should be ready next week.
There is another serious bug with Pages integration that is receiving quite a bit of discussion on the Apple forum. It shows as random italicization of book titles (in APA format for me). Sometimes a book title is italicized, sometimes not. In all cases, the title appears in italics in the Endnote preview.
I’ve tried this with the book in various locations within the paper, with different books, etc.
The “fix” for the super/subscript bug outlined above works for me. However, another formatting problem remains.
I often insert citations while typing a manuscript rather than inserting citations after the text is complete. Currently, after I insert a citation and keep typing, everything that I type after the citation remains in the format of the citation (superscripted, in this case). This needs to be fixed. I have seen this problem posted elsewhere (by the original poster of this thread, ArsTechnica and Apple discussions).
I don’t think we have seen the “random italicization” issue internally. If someone could send along sample documents, libraries, and Output Styles that exhibit this, it would be a big help.
The “fix” for the super/subscript bug outlined above works for me. However, another formatting problem remains.
I often insert citations while typing a manuscript rather than inserting citations after the text is complete. Currently, after I insert a citation and keep typing, everything that I type after the citation remains in the format of the citation (superscripted, in this case). This needs to be fixed. I have seen this problem posted elsewhere (by the original poster of this thread, ArsTechnica and Apple discussions).
Does not work here. Tried several combinations of superscript, subscript, remove formatting, closing Endnote and Pages a.s.o. Putting the citation in parentheses does not work either. Bibliography format changes in Endnote are just not reflected in Pages. They are, however, in MS-Word !!! Please, Thomson people, do your homework. MS-Word is the last remnant from Redmont on my Mac, I desperately want to get rid of it !
I’ve had the formatting problem with the combination Pages / EndNote as well and therefore was following this thread.
Today I’ve updated Pages '09, and it seems that the CWYW functionality I’ve tested now works fine. No formatting issues here, and after inserting the references (superscript), the format of the text itself returns to normal as it’s supposed to do. One step closer to get rid of buggy Word '08.