Does endnote can also accessible in android too?
We do not have an EndNote application for Android devices. At this time the iPad is the only mobile device for which we have an application.
If you have an EndNote Web account, you can use the browser on the Android device to log into your EndNote Web library. You can add references to your EndNote web library, and if you are using EndNote X6, you can synchronize your EndNote Web library with your EndNote Desktop library. If you are using EndNote X5 or earlier you can transfer records between the Desktop and the web in either direction.
Mr. Johnson,
This feature has been requested for many years. Â There are all sorts of reasons why a accessing the EN Web account is not optimal (chiefly offline use). Â So could we get an answer as to whether EndNote even has any intention of developing an Android version?
-David L
I would be really interested by an Android version too. Don’t forget that the market share of this OS is greater than iOS. And, after all, the number of enhancements in X7 is not so high.
Yours faithfully.
Yves Roy
I’m another user sick of waiting for a reply. Please answer!
Hello, rabbel111:
I certainly understand your frustration. While I don’t have any specific details about release plans, I can tell you that this is a feature that the product managers have been seriously considering.
What I can do is transfer this thread into the “Suggestions” forum, which is monitored by the Product Managers, which will serve as an additional “vote” for the feature’s inclusion in a future version of our products.
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
I agree with other posters that an Android version is needed and that the Android market share has since long surpassed iOS. Endnote is expensive and (Thomson) Reuters is a huge company with a lot of resources, this should be doable.
I fully agree with the previous comments!
I believe the thousands of views on this topic as well as my additional reply should put a little rush out for you to please create an Android App immediatley or I will have to stop paying the (ridiculous amount) of $100 a year to upgrade and go with another service that does offer a mobile version to the largest mobile OS in the world.
An Android app would be great. Offline viewing is essential.
I saw the last post and it was relatively old in IT terms… So I was wondering, if there are any news about ENDNOTE app for Android?
Really? No Android version??Â
Hmmm…begining to think I should have done a bit more research before buying Endnote
Hi EndNote is marvellous.
Most app developers first develop their apps for iOS because of obvious reasons.
I use Android in Africa becuase the support for Android devices is much better than for iOS devices. I would love to have Endnote for Android.
The Android market in China is gigantic
I completely agree. This is 2014 and no android application for android is just unacceptable. I personally feel discriminated…Â
I was looking for an android version and as with everyone here very dissapointed to see one does not exist. I just wanted to point out a couple things. First it would be wise to get on the android band wagon. Just as windows did in the 80s android is looking to wrap up a mobile monopoly and its pretty ridiculous now that they are doing like 85% market share to think TR is still focusing only on iOS the clear minority. Second I think there is a decent discconnect on what TR thinks endnote should do and what the community thinks it should do. Earlier in the thread it was mentioned that endnote was only available on ipad which I assume means not iphones. Really what is the point of this its such a waste? If you ahve enough space to hold a giant 10 inch tablet why not just grab your laptop? On top of that if you area alraedy developing for ipad its like almost no extra work to get it going on iphone. The big gain in mobile usage is the phone and that is where we really need it. This would apply to ios or android but as said when you make the program for one it makes little to no sense to not put a tiny bit more time into making it available on both. Nearly everyone carries a smart phone at all times. Far less people lug a tablet around everywhere they go. Being able to find a reference and add it to your library as you are talking to a colleague at a seminar or conference or whatever then find it available synchronized to your PC when you come home would be really useful and reduce workloads that all of us in research are over burdened with. Otherwise its just repeating the same steps, first taking the note in your favorite mobile note taking program like onenote then going and sitting down at a computer refinding the citation in endnote. And at the end of the day the only point of endnote existing is to save us time.
Have been waiting for more than a year for the fan boys at routers to wake up and realise that more users are moving to android every day. Sick of waiting.
IT at our university are now agreeing that ipad only support is no longer appropriate. Not moving to android. Moves are underway to migrate our university away from endnote to a more open support structure. Means that there are fewer requests for help for IT (i.e. endnote no longer supported), and no more irritated requests from academics using android mobile devices instead of laptops. Most of our IT staff use android devices as well.
This has got to be the most useless forum.
Unable to port to android? Or just couldn’give a ***edit*** about your customers?
Given up waiting. Have moved to another bibliography app. Wouldn’t switch back now anyway. Too much work to move 1000s of references again.
Interestingly, when I asked the IT department at the faculty, they also mentioned that they were in the process of substituing EndNote with a more flexible alternative - whatever that means. I really think it is about time Thomson Reuters step up the pace!
Still no action?
Your customers have been asking for an Android version of Endnote for more than a year and all you come up with is “we are thinking about it”!!!
What a dinosaur…
This is something we are actively working on. Please see the post from Jason Rollins on December 18th of last year: