I noticed the output-style of PNAS as supplied by EndNote Online is different from the one currently used by PNAS. Is there a way to update the online style? It’s quite frustrating
I noticed the output-style of PNAS as supplied by EndNote Online is different from the one currently used by PNAS. Is there a way to update the online style? It’s quite frustrating
From http://endnote.com/kb/101407
Endnote online: Creating new output styles or modifying existing styles
If an Output Style is missing or needs updating to match the publisher requirements, you can submit a request through our EndNote Request Form:
You can use the EndNote Styles, Filters, and Connections forum to submit your request for the creation of a new output style (or the modification of an existing one). When you submit this information, your request is brought to the attention of our Content Group. Once the style is created or updated, it will be submitted for inclusion into EndNote online.
In the meantime, if you have an administrator, at your institution, they can also update the online styles, I hear, but I don’t know how.
User Leanne
Hi Leanne,
Thanks for your quick response -I’ll take your advise and also post my message at the EndNote Styles, Filters, and Connections forum.