EndNote plugin : EndNoteRenamer2 Eng version Release

This is my first endnote plugin.

Thanks for all the people that have helped me during the development.

Now, let me talk about why I made this plugin.

As we know, when we use the “Find Full Text” or “Attach File” features of EndNote, the finded or attached files are placed in a special fold, named with a special name, you can find this in the PDF subfolder under your endnote database folder. such as 

Folder : Huang-2011-Y2O3-BaO-SiO2-B2O3-A-3259749377

File : Huang-2011-Y2O3-BaO-SiO2-B2O3-A.pdf

These names are not so readable. So at the first time, I try to make a plugin that can handle the “Find Full Text” or “Attach File” action, and then control the folder and file names, but it seems not so easy. So I turned to make a plugin to rename the selected records.  Just as you see, it’s this plugin.

This plugin use a endnote output style as rename rule, then rename every attach file of the selected records. 

So you can rename your attach files to whatever names. For example, I use the plugin to rename all my attachments to names as below

Folder : S. G. Huang, et al.,J. Alloys Compd.,509(2011)4348-4351-3259749377

File:S. G. Huang, et al.,J. Alloys Compd.,509(2011)4348-4351.pdf

You can control this by modify output style.

Plugin description

Plugin Name : EndNoteRenamer

Author : coolspace/tank

Version : 2.0

Feature : Rename the attach files of your selected records in EndNote according to the rename rule controled by the selected EndNote output style.

Useage :  

1. As the forum not allow rar type attachments, so I changed the attachment from .rar to .enz. So you must download the attachment  file, rename it to “EndNoteRenamer2.rar” and extract. Close your Endnote program.

2. There are two files in the attachment rar file. First is EndNoteRenamer2.dll, copy this dll to your EndNote plugins dir. The second is EndNoteRenamer.ens, the output style I’m using now, you see this output style as an example. Copy this style to your EndNote styles folder. such as “D:\Program Files\EndNote\Styles”.

3. Open your EndNote program. Your 'll find two new item in “Tools” menu, “EndNoteRenamer-Config” and “EndNoteRenamer-Rename”.

4. Select EndNoteRenamer-Config to config the plugin, you should choose the style that the plugin will use. Such as style “EndNoteRenamer” 

5. Select the record that you want to rename, than click “EndNoteRenamer-Rename”

If you’re using win7, you should disable UAC when config the plugin. Seems a wtl uac compatible bug?

Have fun.

As I’m not a professional programmer, so you’d better backup your endnote database at the first time you use this plugin, if nothing wrong, just use it.  I’ve used this plugin for several months, not found something unhappy. 

EndNoteRenamer.enz (52.3 KB)

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Some pictures.


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Thanks for the great idea. But it doesn’t work with my X4 on windows 7 (x86). Did everything as you said in the instruction. And even installed the Visual C++ redistributable package. Because it says I need Visual C++ when I choose the output styles.

Any idea?..

among the dlls that imported by this plugin, only MSVCP90.DLL and MSVCR90.DLL is not coming from system.

Hi Tank,

You have an excellent plugin. I want to write some plugins for Endnote but I don’t know how to start with. I found that some of yours are similar to my needs, so could you please share the source files of your plugin? It would be definitely helpful for the community ti develop more useful plugins in the near future.

Many thanks,


Get it from here


All sources are not well documented, and I’m not a professional programmer, so code quality is not very well.

Thank you very much for the nice work. It tried it out with my newly upgraded X6. The installation is as you said. And also as you said, with UAC, it crashed. So I disabled UAC, and the config works fine. However, the renaming part always fails. I also change the PDF folder to full control and it did not work. Maybe because I am using a new version. Has anyone succeed on X6 versioin.

Unfortunately I have not managed to make this work for X6 either


But there were not all folders could be renamed. 

And it was not woked everytime.



Haven’t gotten it to work for X7 on windows 7 Pro either.

I would like to make my own plugins, but I am not a programmer.  I have written scripts in Autohotkey to automate backup (using an enlx file), import, copy medline data from outlook email for import, updating custom information, and automating the Find Reference Updates feature (so I don’t have to keep saying yes).  Some of the scripts require that GuiVar bee installed from http://ahkscript.org/boards/code_downloader.php?id=16101&part=1&sid=57ed1f75381cb80df370366d51470a6a (I believe you need to register in order to get the script - if you don’t want to go that route, you can get it from here - just change the txt extension to ahk)

The source scripts (in autohotkey format - .ahk files) is in the file called ahkscripts.zip, linked below.  


The executables are in the file called ahkcompiled.zip.


NOTES for starting scripts

backup - [WIN]+b

savetext from email - [WIN]+[ALT]+s

Set variables - [WIN]+v

Update custom fields - [WIN]+u

Show variables (use after set variables) - [WIN]+g

_ ---- MY FAVORITE ---- _

Find Reference Updates - As long as this is already running it will autostart when you select find reference updates in endnote

ALWAYS backup your library by using the EndNote option to create an enlx file before attempting any changes or using any script.