EndNote X7 Style Editing Guide now available for download

Everyone knows that with EndNote, you can use our impressive catalog of Output Styles to format your bibliography to match thousands of journal and publisher requirements. But did you know you can also tweak those styles to meet your needs, or even create your own style?

EndNote has a powerful built-in style editor that will allow you to match virtually any bibliographic style requirement. To help you use it, we created a guide to navigating this extremely useful tool. 

Download it from here: http://endnote.com/kb/131728

Questions or problems while editing your styles? Post here in this Styles, Filters and Connections forum! Alternately, our Technical Support team will be happy to help. 

Here’s a direct link to the guide, in case you are having trouble locating the PDF in the KB: http://endnote.com/sites/en/files/m/pdf/en-x7-win-editing-reference-types-styles.pdf


bumping this thread!  

Bumping this thread to the top.

detailed instructions on how to edit your styles are here: http://endnote.com/kb/131728  –  especially the PDF files available from the right hand part of the KB article.  

Here is the Clarivate Analytics KB link for Endnote X7:  https://support.clarivate.com/Endnote/s/article/EndNote-Windows-and-Mac-Style-Editing-Guide?language=en_US

Here are the Clarivate Analytics KB links to X8  style editing Guides. 

Guides to edit styles are Here (Windows) and Here (Mac).  

and because I like everything in one "go to " place.  Here are the instructions to handle Journal names and Abbreviations correctly.  

Hi guys from Endnote

I am an EndNote user since about 10 years or so. Since then I am wondering why you guys provide an “impressive catalog of Output Styles” which are simply wrong (at least for the styles I am using). With every update I hope that you correct them, but somehow this never happened. For example your JACS, FEBS J and NSMB output styles are not the styles the journals demand. I can change the styles accordingly but it is somehow annoying. I guess you get my point. Maybe there will a surprise for EndNote XXI or Endnote LX? Or do I have to continuously change the output style until I retire?

hoping for the Best


Hi, Raytheon:

Thanks for letting us know. If you get a moment, could you please reach out to Technical Support and report which styles you’ve noticed that need updating? Support can make sure they get on the list of ones to be corrected. 

You can reach them at EndNote.com/support .  

Thank you! 


Is there a way of editing styles using Endnote online and the Cite while you write word plug in or do you need Endnote desktop to use this function?

Thanks, Natalie

As far as I know, you can only edit styles using the desktop program, but if you are at an institution with Endnote, the "local EndNote online Administrators also have the ability to update Styles for their site if EndNote online access is provided by Web of Science. If you have EndNote online access through your institution, you can contact your local Administrator to update existing Styles or upload new Styles.

Your EndNote online Administrator should be able to upload the output style following the instructions below,


I can’t think of any, I tried it and nothing.:robotsad:

Ok, thanks for listing the direct link.