Is there a way to export selected abstracts into Word? Similarly, in a separate document, I’d like to export the matching references. Please advise. Thank you!
Is there a way to export selected abstracts into Word? Similarly, in a separate document, I’d like to export the matching references. Please advise. Thank you!
To export just the abstracts, you would set up a Style that includes just the Abstract field I guess. You could just put it in the “generic”, followed by a “carriage return” (inserted from the field drop-down in the upper right hand corner).
The “Annotated” style might be what you are looking for, prebuilt. It has the reference followed by the abstract?
To get the matching references select the reference style you would like them to appear as.
Then select the references you want exported. In X3 at least, you chose to export the selected references. In some versions of EN, you need to make sure the references you want exported are the only ones showing in the library.
Make sure you export as RTF to retain any formating you would like from the records and style.
so one, export as “abstract” to an appropriately named file (as RTF). You can chose the style from the drop down in the export dialog.
then two, export again as “chosen output style” to a new appropriately named file (as RTF).
(edited to add an “Abstract only” output style- open the attachment (with Endnote) and save it. Depending on your version of endnote, you may have to move it to the correct folder location).
Message Edited by Leanne on 06-29-2009 06:06 PM
Abstract only.ens (2.82 KB)
Thanks. I created an abstract only output style. I have EN2. I still don’t know how to physically select and then export the abstracts to Word.
ENX2, right?
Select by either doing a search for what you want, drag and drop to a group, or ctrl+mouse click (or shift+mouse click to select a range). Then have only those references showing: if they were selected by mouse click then-- references>show selected. If they are dragged to a group, click on the group name and if a search result, they are the only ones showing, already.
File, export. Save as file type> rtf. Make sure the style you want is selected in the drop down on the lower right. The saved file can be opened in Word.
If you are truly using EN2, I don’t have a memory that long!