Finding broken attachment function

I am now trying X7 and it did improve a lot compared to X6. However, a new problem started bothering me. Everytime when I import a reference from .ris or .enw files, X7 automatically start “finding broken attachment” dialoge. I have more than 10k pdf in my database and it will take forever to finish the broken link checking.  Each time, I have to manually stop this function and it is really annoying. This problem never happened with my X4, X5 and X6. Would you please at least provide an option to turn off this auto checking function. Thanks a lot!

Yes. This is a glitch. We have a fix for it that we will release in a free update patch later this year. 

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

Was this glitch fixed in the X7.0.1 update. I have X7.0.1 now and still have to wait a long time while the “Finding broken attachment” is working after each RIS export.

Best wishes

Jan Ove

I’ve just loaded X7.0.2  and it is still happening.  Any idea of a fix?

Annette Goodwin

Faculty Liaison Librarian | Division of Library Services

Charles Sturt University

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Yes. We have a fix for this issue and are currently tesing it internally. We hope to include this in the next free EndNote X7 update. Not sure of the exact timing on this but will update everyone here as we know more.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

This bug is really annoying. Could someone give us an estimate on when we might expect a fix?

This seems to be fixed in the latest release (7.2).  Better late than never.:stuck_out_tongue:

Please, can any body explain how to get it fix? I am runing V7.0.2.



you need to update your endnote (might be two steps) from the Help menu in Endnote.  - You want to be running 7.3.x by now.