Following possible bugs have occured:
when importing a pdf by drag and drop, and auto name-changing is enabled, both files are attached, the old one and the new, renamed one. The old one displays just jitter and must be manually removed. this is very time consuming.
when importing a pdf by drag and drop, endnote x7 always screens the whole library for “broken links” after the import. This takes around half a minute and is very annoying when you want to import many files one by one (more than 2000 entries in the database)
perhaps there is a way round or are these known bugs?
Hello olehner2000,
Thanks for your feedback. We are aware of the issue causing the “broken links” message and plan to address it in a patch release.
Regarding this issue “when importing a pdf by drag and drop, and auto name-changing is enabled, both files are attached, the old one and the new, renamed one. The old one displays just jitter and must be manually removed.”, we do see a problem here but are not sure if it is exactly what you are encountering. Please contact me with a private message so we can get some further details on the behavior you are seeing.
Best regards,
The Thomson Rueters EndNote Team
The Finding Broken Attachments function continues to start every time a reference is imported. It does this even if it has already found the references with broken links. The update to X7.0.1 did not fix this rather annoying bug. Will this be fixed in the near future?