I have a library of over 1200 references of which about a third (400) have reference information and a file attached. The other two thirds are 400 references (citation data) Ioaded into endnote from Google scholar or other database, and 400 references I downloaded as PDFs to a folder, then uploaded into Endnote, assuming it would be simple enough to merge them later.
I seem to have been wrong and I cannot find how to merge the two. It seemed like it would be an obvious problem.
For example:
Fleming, L. and O. Sorenson (2001). “Technology as a complex adaptive system: evidence from patent data.” Research policy 30 (7): 1019-1039. (No PDF Attached)
If I search the title in the PDFs I’ve uploaded I can find it quite quickly as a PDF with no citation info. How do I reconcile these two entries more easily than saving the PDF back to a known location and uploading it again to the reference?
This is a great tip and works. This enables the ability to import a pdf automatically via the file import and if it does not populate the fields, you can use this trick. Before this, I was downloading the citation from Scholar, importing and then finding the file to add to the reference.
A feature to select multiple references and merge would be ideal.