I’m a new EndNote user and I need help formatting my bibliography for the journal Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. I wondered if anyone had this style in their style reference library?
Alternatively, can anyone please help me create that style in my reference library? And, how does one have their bibliography reformatted in MS Word after selecting the style in EndNote?
Many thanks for your time and help.
Best wishes,
- Herman
Here are a few examples of the required format:
BLUM RH, CARTER SK: Adriamycin. A new anticancer drug with significant clinical activity. Ann. Intern. Med. (1974) 80 (2):249-259.
HINKLE AS, PROUKOU CB, DESHPANDE SS et al.: Cardiotoxicity caused by chemotherapy. In: Late Effects of Childhood Cancer. Edward Arnold, London. (2004):85-100.
ADAMS MJ, DUFFY SA, CONSTINE LS, LIPHULTZ SE: Cardiovascular effects of cancer therapy. In: Survivors of Childhood and Adolescent Cancer. Schwartz CL, Hobbie WL, Constine LS, Ruccione KS (Eds). Chapter 10. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. (2005):133-159.