I am looking for the style Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, this Journal is ed by Springer. Havs anyone tried to use a home made or a similar one?
First, cyou copy & paste the format sample for journal article, from your publisher’s author instruction? Or, paste the website link to the authors instruction page of your journal?
I would be able (likely) to find a close template in this thread.
Unfortunately, links to the styles are all broken at this moment, and I’ve got zero response from Thomson Reuters to my query about what is the problem. So I’m going to re-post all the link again and re-build the thread, with your question as my motivation. Can’t guarantee I’d do the re-post in a day or two, but likely in a week or so.
Best regards,
Message Edited by myoshigi on 01-30-2009 08:05 AM
I’m trying to re-build that thread of style template collection, but I can’t attach style files. It may be a temporary problem with this forum management website, but very frustrating. Would anybody try posting attachment and make sure it’s working? Thanks.
I’m almost certain attaching multiple files to the message is not working properly. I got “Unexpected error” after pushing “preview” to add multiple attachment, and I was wondering effects of recent installation of anti-spyware program. So, I came to another machine which doens’t have the anti-spyware, and got the same unexpected error for the same step.
Maybe Thomson doens’t want me to share the style collections because that take somebody’s job? Just kidding…
I had the same problem recently. Not just you.
Thanks, Leanne. Good to know.
Best regards,
They disabled all the links to previous attachments (by accident or on purpose, whatever), and no answer/reason/explanation for that matter.
>The limit has been raised to 3 attachements per post.
Great. Fine.
I’ll just post 3 attachments / post. No problem.
Previous links to attachments have been restored.
I appreciate the effort by TR…I mean, really…seriously.