Update ALL references from Travelling Library to Endnote Web Online Library


I have taken over a word document that was created using Endnote X9. I cannot install Endnote on my  system (company policy). However, I installed the word CWYW plugin. And connected it to the same Online Library (snyced from Endnote Dektop before).

However, all references in the document are connected to the travelling library. I would like them to be connected to my online library to make updates. As I found out now, I have to connect them to through the Endnote Manage Citations (dropdown menu).

  1. This is infeasible: I have close to 200 references and cannot update each manually. Is there a way to connect all references to the online library without changing each manually? 

  2. Even if I updated them , the field still shows “Libary: Travelling Library”. However, I know it is then connected to my online library as changes are reflected in the bibliography. 

Any help would be much appreciated! 

