Where to begin?

Hello, I’ve been putting off Endnote for so long that I still have Endnote X7.8. Now I really need to use this software and having difficulties.

My original intention was to import reference data from articles and book chapters etc. in a folder of PDFs, but without importing (i.e. duplicating) the PDFs. I wanted the original PDFs left in the original location. I recall finding out before that there is a way to do that – something about absolute links versus and relative links.

But now I just need to create a list of citations, and I’m really not concerned that the citations in Endnote are linked to any PDFs. Please can anyone advise me of the fastest way to do this?

I started doing some online searches (Web of Science) via Endnote, but it was not bringing up expected results. In fact, it’s hardly bringing up any results at all. Something is not working.

I would appreciate any advice. Thank you.

Book chapters rarely come up in databases.  Books come up in library databases (like library of congress), but to get chapters, you often can collect the details from some of the publisher web sites. (see example from https://www.sciencedirect.com/search?pub=Development&show=25&sortBy=relevance&articleTypes=CH&lastSelectedFacet=articleTypes) and the image.  Download as RIS and then open the downloaded files and it should ask to save to either Endnote or Endnote online.

What is your field of research?   “google scholar” might help, but it is more or less one by one I think.