The question is in the title. Does anyone form Clarivate even reads our posts???
The question is in the title. Does anyone form Clarivate even reads our posts???
Probably best to complain directly to their support people. Endnote Developers have never responded directly to forum complaints. (however I see they suggested to someone else to post the complaints/suggestions here, – but my experience is that it is shouting into an empty room.
Hi Leanne,
In a seditious mood after the endnote support answered my question about why “show selected reference"and"hide selected references” options were removed from endnote, I now want to plot the overthrow of their corporate and free the development team to create software that serves the user… Such as allowing Somme customization of the interface.
Customization of the interface is what I requested in the recent survey based on the promise that.clarivate would in x20 implement such great improvements as we have never seen before.
Based on your sobering reply to Premsyl (excuse spelling i can see that this is unlikely unless perhaps my request is posted here and upvoted in a national election, or I take my case to the Supreme Court.
I don’t know about censorship on the site, but am reaching out to you for suggestions on switching databases or a forum where such ing formation is available (have not looked further here). Reddit maybe?
Thanks in advance for any help
Roy Planalp at univ of NH Chemistry
Perhaps we will be deleted here, but taking a page from other protest groups! Not sure if any of the forum users have a large following on Twitter? (I have like two twitter followers maybe less). I am not a reddit or instagram user either.
Tweet to (use hashtags?)
reply to
Facebook? (1.7K members, just asked to join)
Clarivate and webofscience fb pages are not really open to post, although you can reply on threads!
Hello Everyone Concerned,
While we do not respond to the comments here in the Suggestions Forum, you can rest assured that we do read all of the comments that get posted in the Suggestions forum.
Anything that you believe will improve the software, or features you wish the software had are welcome here.
We apologize if the lack of feedback has given the illusion that we aren’t listening.
The EndNote Team is most definitely paying attention, and take all suggestions under advisement.
Thanks for all of the input!
Hello Steven H,
Here is one more message for you to read and not respond.
I filled out a survey from Clarivate looking for feedback before the E20 release. A message came from your CEO saying “we heard you.” You might say I was outvoted by those who requested "integration with Web of Science?"
My response to my last ticket was not answered. Therefore, I conclude that you don’t respond at all when you don’t like the message. best wishes, Roy Planalp
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Clarivate Case # CM-210115-4407677 : How to [ref:_00D411O1D5._5004NqMlTK:ref]
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2021 08:29:38 -0500
From: Roy Planalp <>
To: EndNote Product Support <>
Dear Support:
thanks for your reply.
(1) Please reply to this message with the developers’ philosophy in removing features, when in fact your major sales point on this version is that you have improved the user interface.
(2) Please respond to this request: On EndNote I would like to have customizable menus, a quick shortcuts bar similar to MS Word, and the ability to display PDF files in the preview window on the right.
I will remain with EndNote X9 until you put back some of the features that you have removed, if ever.
In the long run, if this level of support persists, I will advocate for even better open source alternatives to EndNote.
I did visit your community forum, and post some comments. It is not a pretty picture with X20.
Best wishes,
Roy Planalp
On 1/18/2021 1:16 AM, EndNote Product Support wrote:
> Dear Roy,
> Thank you for contacting Clarivate.
> I understand you would like to know about the EndNote 20 program. I will certainly help you.
> Regarding the “Show Selected References” option under the References menu as in older versions of EndNote, I am sorry to inform you that the option has been removed on EndNote 20. However, considering the use and the requirement of this option, I have raised an enhancement request to add this feature in the upcoming patches. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
> Having this said, we from Technical Support are not sure how this enhancement would be prioritized in terms of upcoming development work. I also request you to post your suggestions within the EndNote Product Suggestion Forum to foster a community discussion on enhancement ideas:
> EndNote community link
> While messages sent through this form are rarely returned, each one is read by our development staff for consideration for future program updates. We appreciate your comments and your willingness to help make our products better for all users.
> Please do feel free to contact us for any further help and we will be more than happy to assist you.
> Sincerely,
> Kavitha
> Kavitha Satyavarapu
> Product Support – EndNote, Customer Service
> Clarivate
> Visit Customer Service – Get Help Now for all of your support needs.
> …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
> Copy of your original request sent to Clarivate:
> Date of request:1/16/2021
> Case #: CM-210115-4407677
> Subject: How to
> Description:
> Country:UNITED STATES; How can we help you?:Hi.I have some newly-downloaded references in the ‘recently added’ group. I want to use the change/move/copy fields… to give them all the same keywords. in x9 I would (a) select them and (b) do a command called ‘show selected’ or ‘hide unselected’ – one of those and (c) do the change/move/copy fields… which would only operate on them. It seems you have removed these ‘show selected’ or ‘hide unselected’ from the interface. how would I do this in x20 – without lots more keystrokes? PS you have not updated this form with X20 version choice
> Operating System: Windows 10
> Word Processor: Microsoft Word 2016
> Version: X9
> Browser: Firefox
Hi again Roy.
I think one point that’s being missed here is that this is EndNote 20.0.0.
The first instance of the first version with the new interface.
A foundation for new features, and improvement.
We’re definitely hearing a great many things we can do to improve EndNote 20.
Some of these are likely going to be integrated into future iterations of EndNote, possibly even in upcoming update patches. The current interface is based on a rather substantial amount of feedback from existing EndNote users. The Developer Philosphy here was to find out what features people were using, and what features people were not using.
In dropping some of the unused features in the software, we’re definitely now hearing from the users who had been using them. Enhancement requests have been filed for those features.
While I cannot say for certain that all of these features will return, or even if any of them will… I can say with certainty that we are indeed listening.
I also agree that, if you prefer EndNote X9, you should stay with that version until EndNote 20, or some other future version of EndNote has the features that you need.
We don’t want to force you to use a version of EndNote you don’t like.
And, since we will Officially support EndNote X9 until EndNote 22 is released, you should still have plenty of fully supported time left with your current version.
I do hope this helps to elaborate.
We’re sorry you don’t like the new version. But with your feedback, and that of others, we can grow the new version into something everyone can love.
Thanks again!
Hi SteveH,
Since 2017, I made some important suggestions here and not once, was there any follow up from someone. More importantly, I sent directly to some product support analyst (Nandhini P.) a list of more than 18 critical suggestions with screen shots and screens mock-ups, but I have never heard once from anyone nor have I seen any of those suggestions making it into the final product.
If you think you are giving us some comfort by saying that not responding does not mean you are not listening, well sorry to say it bluntly, but you are making a huge mistake. The only reason I am staying with EndNote is because my Ph.D. supervisor is using this… and since the university is supplying it to all students, it is simpler.
But to be frank, EndNote is a huge disapointment. Some enhancements like allowing one to pick the PDF viewer of his or her choice (instead of the default PDF viewing application) is really a 15 minute task for a good developer (add half a day of testing)… How come 4 years later something so simple has not been incorporated into the software?
Or what about an area to type in some research notes associated to a group set or a group? I cannot believe your team did not see the benefit of such a feature for an EndNote user tying to make some sense of hundreds of scientific papers scattered into dozens of groups… I see people in my department sticking 3M yellow notepads around their monitors to remember why they created a specific group or to remember customized list of keywords they created such as #LiteratureReview, etc.
And what about an Android version? I cannot be the only one dreaming of this for so long!
Sincerely, you better wake up SteveH and smell the coffee… and pass the message to higher people in the hierarchy because one morning, you guys will realize your market share is starting to melt like ice cream… And if you guys don’t know where to start or how to improve, guess what, you have access to a pool of academics and Ph.Ds and faculties from all fields that could give you some sound advice from marketing to client management to software development… So, no excuses…
Hello Philippe,
It appears that something in your post triggered our Spam filters, which automatically removed it.
I’ll see what I can do to restore it…
What Philippe said.
And if there is a second post from them, I hope it is restored.
@leanne I did go to your suggested sources and use my voice. Thanks!
Dear Steve H,
thanks for your well-meaning comments.
Noted your development philosophy – if I may paraphrase, EN development has created a new code base which is faster, and reduced the feature set. This will make the software easier to use for some.
There are also “power users,” you know.
I would be pleased if you brought back the features of x19 in an X20.1.xx. If you plan to bring them back in X21 thereby charging me another USD 100, I will not like that.
As long as I am using the cloud/endnoteweb database features of EN, I will be buying the upgrades as needed to maintain that cloud storage license. It seems, I hear, that the alternative cloud storage methods do not work. That is, the software fails when the EN database is put on cloud services (Dropbox, etc). Hmmm…
And I take note of your statement that X19 will receive support for presumably 2-4 years further.
good luck getting some patches out on X20, I am waiting.
Regards, Roy P
perhaps like Philippe, I wrote a considered reply to Steven H, hit POST, and it vanished. Lovely.
Hi again, Roy.
I don’t see any additional posts marked as SPAM.
When you say, “Perhaps like Phillipe”, did you actually write another post?
It’s possible that rather than triggering the SPAM filter, it simply didn’t get posted.
I am sorry if your post didn’t take.
We do not actively remove posts from the forums unless they are actual Spam.
And, once again, thanks for the feedback.
It all has considerable value.
Hi Steve,
It did not take right away, but did later, so it’s OK. The message about how you MIGHT restore EN19 features into EN20.
Perhaps I needed to clear cookies in the browser. The forum software also has features which do not like seeing several posts from the same user in short time (5 minutes) - it has complained to me about this.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the clarifications about the vanishing messages and the spam filter. I did not think I crossed any line (although I spoke out loud), and I was really concerned that someone had silenced my thoughts…
Ok, so why don’t you guys start by setting up an appropriate suggestion box where actual users could not only suggest but also vote on features and improvements they would really love to see in EndNote. Also, someone from the EndNote team should regularly go through the suggestions and comment/discuss the feasibility. Sometimes, a decent workaround to a requested feature could make someone’s day. I think this would contribute to strengthen the sense of community and build loyalty.
Also, for the features deemed essentials by the number of votes and the team’s feasibility assessment, it would be really nice to see a published agenda of upcoming features or development roadmap. EndNote should not be developed in a secret room with cardboard on the windows… Work with your users to make sure you deliver the very best product you can. I understand that Clarivate has its own internal agenda and is pushing for integration with its online services, but don’t do this at the expense of your users. In my opinion, this is exactly what happened to EndNote 20…
Like many, I will stick to EndNote X9. Even with a user interface from a bygone age, it is still more useful than the good-looking EndNote 20 flexing its muscles but providing less value…
well said. i support this idea.
well said . i support the ideas.