It seems that when we installed X3 a few weeks ago, that the styles, filters, and connections folders were installed on my home (C) drive, but that the Folder Locations preference was set to my H drive. Is that normal? And if so, what’s the point of having a Folder Location preference if it looks on the C drive anyway?
It seems that when we installed X3 a few weeks ago, that the styles, filters, and connections folders were installed on my home (C) drive, but that the Folder Locations preference was set to my H drive. Is that normal? And if so, what’s the point of having a Folder Location preference if it looks on the C drive anyway?
Added in Edit:
I also found this explaination in the index Help file under Folder Locations preferences, which explain the reasoning behind some of these changes:
Why do we bother with personal folders? Why not simply change or add to the installation folders? We implemented personal folders so that:
If you reinstall EndNote for some reason, you will not overwrite a modified file with the same name. (We know you may have spent hours getting your file just right, and do not want to risk losing your work.)
When you upgrade to a newer version of EndNote, you will not delete a new or modified file.
When you download EndNote program updates, you will not overwrite a modified file.
You can write protect a shared program folder, yet still use your own customized styles, filters, and connection files.
You must have administrative rights to modify files in the Program Files folder. For many users, this is not an option, or not easily done. For users running Windows Vista, making changes to files in the Program Files folder is restricted.