I have a problem with a citation style. Is there any way to make a cictation in the following style: (1,2) but (1-3), i.e. comma separated for two numbers, but ’ - ’ separated for more than two numbers?
Many thanks…
P.S. I am using EndNote X9 with MS Word 2007, and edited ACS Nano style
It works! Could you please tell me what actually have you changed in the style parameters window? I am using edited ACS Nano style, so I need to change only the (1-2) to (1,2) conversion. In other words, how can I adjust the citations in some new bibliographic style?
Well, I was intrigued - so I compared Tony’s modified version with the original - and there is a greyed out box in the citation number settings checked in the original and unchecked in Tony’s (see attached) – to uncheck that box, you need to first check the one above it (group citations), and then unckeck that second option (composite), then uncheck the grouped references again. This is a strange bug. When I did that on the original, it now correctly formats two consecutive citations with a comma and not a dash.