(1,2) but (1-3) citation


I have a problem with a citation style. Is there any way to make a cictation in the following style: (1,2) but (1-3), i.e. comma separated for two numbers, but ’ - ’ separated for more than two numbers?

Many thanks…

P.S. I am using EndNote X9 with MS Word 2007, and edited ACS Nano style

Hello Anton,

You should have been getting that format by default.

I have found and corrected an error in the style.

I will attach a zip file with the corrected style to this post.

You can download the file and unzip it. Once it is unzipped follow the steps below.

 Double-click on the file to open it in the EndNote software.

 Click the File menu in EndNote and select Save As.

 Click Save.

 Close the style window.

 You can now delete the original files the style has been added to EndNote.

I will also let our Content Team know about this error so they can correct the style and upload it to the website.

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

Let us know if you have any questions or if this does not resolve the issue.

ACS Nano 10 19 2018.zip (2.17 KB)

Dear Tony,

It works! Could you please tell me what actually have you changed in the style parameters window? I am using edited ACS Nano style, so I need to change only the (1-2) to (1,2) conversion. In other words, how can I adjust the citations in some new bibliographic style?

Thank you for your assistance

Well, I was intrigued - so I compared Tony’s modified version with the original - and there is a greyed out box in the citation number settings checked in the original and unchecked in Tony’s (see attached) – to uncheck that box, you need to first check the one above it (group citations), and then unckeck that second option (composite), then uncheck the grouped references again.  This is a strange bug.  When I did that on the original, it now correctly formats two consecutive citations with a comma and not a dash.  

Dear Leanne,

I have carried out the steps you described - It really helps!

Thank you for joining to this dialogue, thanks to you and Tony for solving this problem!