allow non-breaking hyphens and spaces in records

A recurrent theme in forum:   allow insertion of true non-breaking hyphens and spaces in records. 


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I support this whole-heartedly!!!   Please, please, please make this a feature in the next update/version.

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I’m back again, 2 years after posting the original question, I still need this very much.  Was this feature included in X4?  Do want.

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I need the feature right now.

Dear developers, please consider implementing this capability.

This would be useful!  When citations get broken up over lines it looks sloppy… then citations get put on separate spaces, it is horrendous!


I support this request. It is really time-consuming to have to manually edit the bibliography in Word, and always when you’re under time-pressure to submit a paper before a deadline.

EndNote needs to support

  • non-breaking en-dash in page ranges eg 235–247
  • non-breaking spaces in dates eg 30^April^2017
  • non-breaking spaces in volume, issue and pages eg vol.^34, no.^2, pp.^39–57.
  • non-breaking spaces between author name and initials eg Smith,^GE, Watson,^P & Kerr,^TJ
  • non-breaking spaces between initials and editor name eg GE^Smith & P^Watson (eds)
  • non-breaking hyphens for use in any field

Dear community members,

  Recently I’ve got a reply from thechnical support that one can get non-breaking space by replacing white spaces by Middle Dot U+00B7 (·) in the Templates menu item under Citations group at the Style editor.

See attached examples .
Chicago 16th Author-Date Copy.ens (29 KB)

I support this request for EndNote to support non-breaking dashes and spaces to eliminate unwanted line-breaks.

It is very time-consuming to have to manually edit the bibliography in Word, and always with the time pressure of having to submit a paper by a deadline. The whole point of EndNote is so that you edit the reference once and then not have to worry about it again over multiple uses.

EndNote should support:

  • non-breaking en-dashes in page ranges, or non-breaking page ranges: eg 234–245
  • non-breaking spaces in volume, issue, pages: eg vol.^34, no.^2, pp.^234–245
  • non-breaking spaces in author plus initials: eg Smith,^JP, Watson,^L & Roberts,^RS
  • non-breaking spaces in editor initials plus name: eg JP^Smith & L^Watson (eds)
  • non-breaking spaces in dates: eg 30^April^2017

EndNote appears to support non-breaking spaces in most fields (eg title, date) (eg 27^April^2017) and have them insert correctly in Word.

The trouble is that strings that are controlled by the Output Style don’t allow for non-breaking characters. We really need these to avoid line-breaks in the bibliography.

Manually editing in Word is time-consuming and stressful when up against a submission deadline. The point of EndNote is that you edit the reference once in the software and never again so that you don’t have to stress over whether the page number range has gotten separated from its “pp.”.

EndNote should support:

  • non-breaking page range with non-breaking en-dash: eg pp.^235–247
  • non-breaking spaces in Volume and Issue: eg vol.^34, no.^3
  • non-breaking spaces in Author name plus initial: eg Smith,^PJ & Watson,^TL
  • non-breaking spaces in Editor intials plus name: eg PJ^Smith & TL^Watson (eds)
  • non-breaking hyphens
  • non-breaking dates as default (ie without the need to manually insert non-breaking spaces): eg 27^April^2017

Part of the problem appears to be that EndNote citation templates use the non-breaking space character to indicate the function “link to adjacent” to string fields together, and there appears to be no way to edit what happens between the field prefix and the data, ie between “vol.” and the volume number (see screenshot). The “link to adjacent” character seems to default to a regular space with no way to change this.

Perhaps the clever engineers could add an option to the fields to make the field non-breaking, or in the case of names, add the option to keep initials with last name.

Or perhaps change the “link to adjacent” character to something very obscure rather than a non-breaking space character so that non-breaking spaces can recover their proper function.

Thank you.