AppleScript for EndNote X3?

We are currently working on expanding the AppleScript support for the upcoming EndNote X3 Macintosh release. It would be very helpful to hear any input on suggestions for specific functions that any of you would like added/improved.

This is in-progress so the sooner we hear anything, the more likely we will be able to include it.

Feel free to email me directly.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

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Has the Direct Export function for Safari been addressed in X3? It only works in X2 if you drag & drop the downloaded file onto the EndNote application in the dock. Is this something that can be included in a script?

AppleScripts could be used to identify records that meet certain criteria, without having to conduct complex searchers and add them to a new group, eg. journal articles without a doi, records not allocated to a group, records without attached files.

Many of the actions that occurred to me in the first instance are functions that are often done in sequence using standard EndNote functions. Steps that could be recorded in a script.

Could something be done to assist users who add extensive notes in the ‘Research notes’ field, i.e. they use the standard EndNote search function to find records that include xxx in the ‘Research notes’ field, but then have to search through 10 pages of notes within each record to find the corresponding text?

Greg Fry

Faculty liaison librarian

Charles Sturt University

Are there any EndNote X3 example Applescripts?  I tried a simple one and nothing happens.

I want to list the groups in a library. Here is my try using the Sample library:

tell application “EndNote X3”

get groups in “Sample_Library_X3.enl”


When I run the above script (after clicking on the Compile tool), nothing shows in the result window, and no error messages. Any ideas?

I combed the internet for a long time trying to get answers about how to use Apple Scripts with Endnote.  I finally figured out how to get some group information out Endnote with Apple Scripts. I figured I would tack it on here for anyone who comes across this.

I walk through the script at: