I’ve been charged with getting EndNote (X7.4) up and going in our department. My manager wants to know where our team can store libraries and be able to use them from that location. She wants multiple team members to be able to access and update a library at the same time, but I’m pretty sure that’s not an option without using EndNote Online, which she doesn’t want to use. Any advice?
We have a local library on our network drive in two folders. One is read write (RW) and one is read only (RO). When someone wants to update or add to a library they have to (and can only be the only one) open the read write library for editing. Anyone and multiple people can open the library in the read only folder at the same time. Everynight, our IT run a script to copy everything from the RW folder to the RO folder so it is updated. This works well for our lab. They just set endnote to open the RO version as the default (in preferences) and only open the RW version when needed. – We all work in pretty close proximity though, but one could have a chat or email connection to other users so if it is locked when you go to open it, you can communicate and ask the other user to close it. (but the error message saying it is locked, doesn’t tell you by whom).
Is this through the share option or something else? I would like to collaborate with my team that is > 14, but am unclear how. Do I just save a copy of the library on the server and update regularly?
Ours is NOT thru the online share option. Ours is a conventional library on our local server (not sharepoint though, which I had heard didn’t work with endnote either a couple of year ago, but haven’t investigated since). Since we had this working so well, we have never explored changing to the online share options.
We have a local library on our network drive in two folders. One is read write (RW) and one is read only (RO). When someone wants to update or add to a library they have to (and can only be the only one) open the read write library for editing. Anyone and multiple people can open the library in the read only folder at the same time. Everynight, our IT run a script to copy everything from the RW folder to the RO folder so it is updated. This works well for our lab. They just set endnote to open the RO version as the default (in preferences) and only open the RW version when needed. – We all work in pretty close proximity though, but one could have a chat or email connection to other users so if it is locked when you go to open it, you can communicate and ask the other user to close it. (but the error message saying it is locked, doesn’t tell you by whom).
Only one person can have the Read/Write library open at anyone time. If is it already open to write, no one else will be able to open it, even with read only permission.