I am currently using Endnote 7 and Word 2013. My issue relates to the automatic adoption of my bibliography heading title alignment to the display of my actual bibliography. My heading was centered and as a result of this function my references are all centered. They can be manually adjusted to the left margin, but on saving, reloading and updating my reference list they default once more to the centered position.
I have removed the bibliography references and tried to reformat the paragraphs before and after where they reappear, but this has not changed things. I have checked through the forums and played with most of the options but have not been able to over-write this initial formatting issue. If I open a new document and ensure that the first reference appears following a left aligned paragraph everything is fine.
Any guidance on over-riding this auto-formatting/justification permanently would be greatly appreciated.
I have seen this happen too, and the easiest way to fix it in an existing document, is to modify the Word Style “Endnote Bibliography” and make sure this is the style assigned to the whole of the bibliiography and to a trailing extra paragraph.
To do this (at least in Word 2010 - I haven’t had much experience with this in 2013) – Open the list of styles (in 2010, this is the little corner below the styles horizontal list on the home ribbon), it will open as a list. Now select one of the references and see which of the styles it has adopted, -If it isn’t “Endnote Bibliography”, then you should apply that style. Now edit the line to appear the way you want it to appear using format paragraph settings and remove any page break assignments. right click in the paragraph and choose “styles” and Update “endnote bibliography” to match selection. Select all of the paragraphs in the bibliography, and apply this style to them. Also make sure there is a paragraph between the header paragraph and the bibliography and after the bibliography that is also assigned to this word style.
In EndnoteX7, new “Endnote Bibliography” and “Endnote Bibliography title” style are added to the list of styles in Word as soon as a bibliography is generated. It might be easier to delete the bibliography, add two paragraphs after the header, and make sure the paragraphs are either normal, or predefined as “Endnote Bibliography”
To avoid it happening I always have a Body text/normal paragraph following my manually inserted Bibliography heading. And this random “pickup” of the wrong paragraph formating doesn’t appear to happen. – I find it happens in documents that already have a number of styles defined – like in a thesis, than in a clean document. Particularly those that were originally formated with X6 and then with X7. I have not been able to put my finger on the exact conditions, but it happened to at least one of my students with Endnote X7 (where the new undocumented feature is to utilize these “word style templates” was introduced - this isn’t available in older versions of Endnote).
However – it appears in ver 7.2 that these settings won’t “stick” and the style is returned to the default everytime you add a new citation or reformat bibliography, – darn darn darn.
When your changes don’t “stick,” the bibliography could be using the style from the header.
This issue probably can occur if the font information is coming from the last line before the bibliography gets created. The easiest way to fix this is to unformat the document, add an extra line with a plain font and no formatting then format the bibliography again.
First make a backup copy of the document then please follow these instructions:
In Word 2010, go to the EndNote tab and use the pull down for Convert Citations and Bibliography>Convert to Unformatted Citations.
Go to the last page of the document and make sure the bibliography has been removed.
Remove any extra lines, carriage returns or spaces after the last character in your paper.
Press Enter at the end of the last line in your paper to add one additional line.
Press space once on your keyboard to create a single space.
Highlight the space and make sure the font settings are to the size, type and formatting you want your bibliography to be.
Go to the EndNote tab and click the small arrow at the bottom right of the middle box labeled Bibliography.
Click the Instant Formatting tab and click Turn On. Click Ok.
This will help you to resolve the issue, however if the above steps did not help, then please follow the steps below to modify the Styles settings in Word. By modifying this setting, you can the align references as required.
In Word 2010, go to Home tab and use the pull down for Styles > Click on ‘EndNote Bibliography’ and then click on the drop down arrow . Choose Modify.
Under Formatting, choose the required alignment and click OK. I have attached a screenshot for your reference.
Not sure if you are still looking for a full solution to this or not (I have posted about this in linkedin titled Adjusting Indents in Your EndNote Bibliography
but I cant copy the link or the screenshots to show you here for some reason - but it is a two step process which is why the change wont stick - you have to make the change in the bibliography layout (type in a numerical value for the indent - the bottom of the two sets of numbers 0.000 is an indent and 2.70 or similar oddly is no indent AND you have to modify he endote bibliography style in the style inspector as the previous poster told you