I’ve created a plugin that generates BibTeX compatible labels in Endnote. This plugin uses the label field of a reference to store the generated label, using the lowercase of the authors surname followed by the last 2 digits of the year. If there are duplicates, a random 5 character string is appended. It will not overwrite existing labels. This works with the built in BibTex output style.
It should work on both. It worked for me when I installed it on my home machine with endnote x7 32 bit, it worked after I put it into C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X7\Plugins
If you want to build it yourself, you’ll need visual studio 2008, the endnote sdk, rapidxml in your build path, and c++ boost for vs2008.
I’ve updated the plugin to include a second menu item that does essentially the same thing, but inserts an underscore between the surname and short year.
I can’t find out how to create a preference or a user input dialog within the endnote API to make this sort of templating smoother.
I copied the .dll to the Plugins folder for X9, the options showed up in the menu like a charm. When I click the options EndNote is closed. No labels or any other changes on reopening. How do we fix this?
I copied the .dll to the Plugins folder for X9, the options showed up in the menu like a charm. When I click the options EndNote is closed. No labels or any other changes on reopening. How do we fix this?