How can I change the language in my reference list? I am writing a norwegian report and need the citations to be in norwegian. The operator system on my computer (windows) is set to norwegian. I have EndNote X5.
Not sure what you mean? Do you want certain words in the style to be Norwegian rather than english (like “in” or Ed)? That would be controlled by editing the style you use.
Yes, that’s correct. I don’t want it to say “p.” for page and etc. But I can’t find out how I edit language in the style menu. I have tried Edit - Output Styles - choosing my style. The menu that comes up as a lot of options, but not language editing. Can you help?
Du må inn i templates for Bibliography og inn i de forskjellige dokumenttypene og endre de engelske ordene til norske. F.eks. endre p til s, In til I og Ed til Red. Det er ikke noen språkknapp i stilen, dette må gjøres manuelt i stiltemplatene. Se eksempel på dette her:
(I have explained in Norwegian how to edit the style templates to give Norwegian words in stead of English)
Jan Ove
Flott, da fikk jeg det til.
Takk for hjelpen!