Changing to endnote mid-submission when you're already using the built in Word referencing (MS Word for Mac 2011)


I’m using MS Word for MAC 2011.  I’m in the middle of a submission and have been using the built in references feature up until now.  I have just over 50 references so far and want to move to using Endnote to manage my references.

Is it possible to convert the work I’ve already completed to Endnote, or do I need to re-load my references into an Endnote library and re-do the referencing?

Any help much appreciated,

Thank you


Suggest you make a backup copy of your document before proceeding with transferring the Word Citations to EndNote.

From the EndNote X7 manual (p. 372)


Converting Word Citations to EndNote (Word 2007, 2010, 2013)


Word includes a Reference tab, where you can use commands to insert Microsoft Word footnote or endnote citations. These footnote and endnote citations are not used directly by EndNote’s Cite While You Write feature (although you can insert an EndNote citation within a Word footnote). If you have citations already entered into Word, you can copy the reference information into an

EndNote library and then convert the Word citations into EndNote Cite While You Write citations.

Note: The Word citation conversion features requires that your computer have the Microsoft .Net Framework installed.

To export Word citations to an EndNote library:

  1. Open the Word document that contains the citations.

  2. From the EndNote tab, select Export to EndNote, and then select Export Word Citations.

To export the Word master citation list to an EndNote library:

  1. Open the Word document that contains the citations.

  2. From the EndNote tab, select Export to EndNote, and then select Export Word Master List.

To convert Word citations to EndNote citations within the document:

  1. Open the Word document that contains the citations.

  2. From the EndNote tab, select Convert Citations and Bibliography, and then Convert Word Citations to EndNote.