What I REALLY miss from Procite is the ability to check references for grouping or simply creating a “marked list” for export or printing.
The problem with Endnote is that you can HIGHLIGHT one at a time but if your figures slip, the selected highlights over many screens will vanish. VERY annoying. That feature alone would make me completely cut the cord to Procite (I also run Endnote XI but keep going back and am even eyeing Zotero’s development).
Using EndNote X1 or X2, how about creating a custom group called “Marked List” - then dragging the records you want to export or print into this group. You can drag records one at a time or select multiple records to add to your “Marked List”. This way finger slipping might have much less impact on productivity. You can keep the group for future reference or simply delete it.
Does this allow you to accomplish what you are trying to do?
That is what I have been doing but that “solution” IS the problem. Let’s say I have a database with hundreds of references in the Window. To CTRL-select the ones I want, I would have to scroll down through many screen pages. Then when I try to drag I have to hope that a finger doesn’t slip, or the drag “takes,” etc. It is extremely clumsy and happens more often than not.
I have been doing your solution and I’m going crazy with it!
But thanks for the advice. I still want check boxes!