Chicago Manual of Style Footnote 17th ed. modification

I am using EndNote X7.7 and Word 2016 on a PC.
I am trying to modify the Chicago Manual of Style Footnote 16th edition to the 17th edition wherein I do not want to use ibid.

My knowledge of EndNote is not very good. However as per the example below, I have managed to get No. 1 and 2 as I require for the same book. I cannot find how to get No. 3 to appear for the same book. I do not know if this possible.


  1. Author, Full Title (Place: Publisher, Year)
  2. Author, Short Title, page number.
  3. Author, page number.

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could help.
Thank you.

I am not a footnote aficionado, but I think 1 and 2 are achived thru the footnote templates where each reference type has two templates, Journal Article and Journal Article  - Short form Author|, Short Title|, Cited Pages|. - there is an option in those settings to only include the short title if need to disambigute the footnote citation, at the top of the templates dialogue. 

Then the “repeated consecutive citations” (called confusingly “Repeated Citations” in the Footnote section of the output style) which I assume if is what you are showing for 3.  where the Ibid setting is for Chicago 16th footnote reside.  I assume one or both of those would be changed to Author|, Cited Pages|.  

Thank you for yor reply.

I tried editing the ‘Repeated citations’ as per your directions. But now the author name disappears and I get an entry like " , 42-44.". Only page number shows.

This entry affects the No. 2 and No. 3 type of footnotes as mentioned in my original post.

I am trying to follow the Chicago Manual of Style Footnote 17th ed. as per how it should appear in my original post.

Could there be some setting somewhere that I have overlooked?


My recommendation is to attach your current version of the output style and maybe someone can look at it?  

I played around and while I can get 1, 2 to work, I can’t get 3.  it always removes the authors, no matter what I do.  I think there is a bug.  if I select short form for consecutive footnotes - it at least keeps the author, but also keeps the short title :-( 

I think you should contact the tech support team and have their developers look at it (and ask them to create a proper Chicago 17th output style handling of repeated and sequential footnotes per the newest guidelines).    

Yes, I noticed that too.

I will contact tech support

Thank you for your reply.