citation size in a table footnote and graph textboox

Hello memebrs,

I have an issue trying to solve for sometime now. I hope you can help.

I have a document where I have text, tables and figures. I do in text citations using endnote add-on in word.

My tables notes (last line of the table) and figures notes (which is written as textbox and then grouped with the figure) are in font size 10 and I want to keep them in size 10, however, the main text size of the doc (body text) is 12.

I have citations in the table notes or in the textbox of many figures that are also in size 10, and then when I update the reference and bibligraphy in the word using the add-on, such in text citations that are in tables and figures become size 12. It is not ideally that everytime I change them manually to size 10 as I have at least 25 figure and 20 tables.

Is there a way to update the citations and references, while keeping the citations in the main body as the main body size (12) and keep the tables notes and the graph textboox as size 10?

I attach the graph with a caption text and comment in textbox that where the text size is 10 and the reference is 12.

I hope you advise.