Citations displaying first two authors for APA 7

Hi all,

Just having trouble with my citations displaying the first two authors in citations (CWYW in word) when there are more than three authors for APA 7. The reference list is behaving itself, just having trouble with the citations.

I have checked author list and it is set to only list one author in the case of three or more authors. My authors are on separate lines in the author editable field. This is happening consistently across my references.

Any thoughts on a fix would be very appreciated. Thanks!

The citations author setting is in a different place than the author settings for bibliography. Have you checked both?

Also, are these possibly “ambiguous first author” citations? – if so, it maybe adding a second author to disambiguate them. see the ambiguous settings in the output style. (but you imply it happens to all of them.)

Otherwise, you might turn them to a different option and then save as. and then change it back and save again. Make sure your document is using the edited and saved version. I usually change the name during the the save process and change it in the document to the newly named style, just to make sure it is using the one I edited…