Cross-citation, OSCOLA


Is it possible to adjust the short form as required by the OSCOLA style:

"1.2 Subsequent citations, cross-references and Latin ‘gadgets’

1.2.1 Subsequent citations

In a subsequent citation of a source, briefly identify the source and provide a cross- citation in brackets to the footnote in which the full citation can be found."

An example would be: J Smith (n 2) 123

Is it possible to adjust an output style accordingly or do I have to do this manually by using the cross-reference function in word?

Many thanks in advance!

As far as I am aware, because the footnote numbering is generated by Word, you must use Word’s cross-referencing feature to generate the cross-reference number. This is how I have handled a similar situation for the NZ Law Style Guide; see under “Subsequent References.”

If anyone should find a way of doing this differently, I would also really like to know about it!

