Custom Style: Author List

Good morning. 

I am trying to create a style that lists the authors in a vertical list (one name per line) rather than a continual list. I am using EndNote X7. I have attached screen prints of the fields I have set up. If you have any guidance, I would be so appreciative to hear it. 



Endnote styles help.xml (399 KB)

Not a screen shot.  

Did you try the ↵AU which is used, for example in the RefMan output style to follow each author with a carriage return?  

It would look something like this in the bibliography output style settings.  (attached image).  

In addition you would insert a paragraph return after the author field in the templates themselves, as in image 2.  

I can try your option one. How do you get the carriage return before the AU? I am not seeing that as an option. 

I only did it by copy and paste!  can do it from this message.  (I only provided one option)

I did it in this attached style, so you could copy it from there too.  

Cell all authors oneper line.ens (13.4 KB)

Thank you! It worked. Just need to check with my co-worker to make sure that is what she needs and I think I will be all set. Your expertise is greatly appreciated. 
