Deleting references from my bibliography in MS word 2010 using endnote 7

Hi there,

I am in writing up, and want to delete some references from my document in ms word. I tried few times, delete the reference and the also the cite while you write but when I put some new reference in the document, the old one re-appear again 

Please let me know what should I do to get rid of the old reference from my document


I am assuming you are trying to delete one reference from a group of references, in which case you cannot simply delete them from the grey “field”.  You need to right click - edit citation, and “more” then select the citation you want to remove and click the drop-down to “remove citation”.  The grey field is a MORASE of hidden information and deleting any thing directly from it also risks corrupting the endnote field itself.  

The other option is to unformat the citations to temporary citations and then work with the plain text (disable instant formating), where deleting them is a simple process from the {Author, YEAR #RecNo} and then trigger “update bibliography” when you wanted them to appear in the correct format and list the bibliography.  

It is not obvious, and the advice given elsewhere here does not work. You cannot delete them from either the Bibiography itself or the references in the text.  They are bpth generated from a Master List that just wrotes any deletions back in. So…

Go to References–>Insert Citation–>Manage Sources. then scroll through the Master List and Delete from the Current List.

Now they are gone from the Master List, rebuild the Bibliography, they will disappear unless they are still in the text.

Working that out took me ages.

Go to References | Manage Sources. It the search field, enter a unique part of the offending Bibliography entry. Delete it.