I am using APA 6th style for a paper, which specifies that in the bibliography authors should be Last Name, First Initial, and that in-text citations should (usually) include only author last names. However, I have a few papers in which an organization is cited as an author, so the standard is to simply include the entire organization name. However, I’m not sure how to get EndNote to recognize that the author is an organization and not try to convert the organization into a last name and initials. Is there some way I can enter the organization name into the Author field of EndNote X8 so that EndNote will not reformat the author name?
Here are two examples of problematic citations:
Cruz, I., Quittner, A. L., Marker, C., DesJardin, J. L., & CDaCI Investigative Team (2013). Identification of effective strategies to promote language in deaf children with cochlear implants. Child Development, 84(2), 543-559.
EndNote cites CDaCI Investigative Team in the bibliography as “Team, C. I.”, and for the in-text citation, EndNote writes (Cruz, Quittner, Marker, DesJardin, & Team, 2013)
Similarly, for
What Works Clearinghouse (2006). Dialogic Reading: What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report. What Works Clearinghouse. Available from [ies website].
In the bibliography, EndNote cites “Clearinghouse, W. W., 2006” and for an in-text citation it writes (Clearinghouse, 2006).