duplicate handling enhancement requests

The duplicate handling in X3 is a huge step forward.  Further enhancement requests would be to

1)  allow one to copy and paste from one into the other, so you combine different information from one into the other before deleting the duplicate and

2)  being able to lock/unlock the two so they scroll together (similar to words side by side, comparative view). 

Message Edited by Leanne on 06-27-2009 02:48 PM

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Nice ideas, Leanne.

I had kind of further enhancements (dream feature).

I like to have “duplicate check” window which has on the left list of duplicates, on the right shows the contents of the record. By clicking a record on the left, it shows the contents on the right. Similar idea to the MS Outlook email windows which list emails, and preview on the right. Then, when I select the one I want to keep, right-click menu allows me to “delete all others except this reference”.

What do you think?

@myoshigi wrote:


I like to have “duplicate check” window which has on the left list of duplicates, on the right shows the contents of the record. By clicking a record on the left, it shows the contents on the right. Similar idea to the MS Outlook email windows which list emails, and preview on the right. Then, when I select the one I want to keep, right-click menu allows me to “delete all others except this reference”.

Hmmm, I can’t quite envision it, but anything to allow one to compare quickly to make a decision on which duplicate to keep would be helpful.  I tend to keep the new one, these days, rather than the old one, so I purposely import duplicates in X3, where I religiously avoided it in X2 for obvious reasons!  (I actually kept a laptop with X so I could manage duplicates on X2 libraries). 

I’d also like to see the ability to merge group membership information during duplicate removal.