For some reason a number of entries using CWYW in Word 2007 include an empty vol. entry at their end. So, for a book or citation that has no volume, the end of the citation reads “… vol.” I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get it to suppress inserting the volume into these entries, especially as the lack of a volume in the initial reference should be enough of an indiciation not to insert anything, but who knows.
For some reason a number of entries using CWYW in Word 2007 include an empty vol. entry at their end. So, for a book or citation that has no volume, the end of the citation reads “… vol.” I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get it to suppress inserting the volume into these entries, especially as the lack of a volume in the initial reference should be enough of an indication not to insert anything, but who knows.
Have you edited the bibliography templates? Because “out of the box” MLA does omit the “vol.” if the field is blank. It is surrounded by | like this
|. Vol. Volume|.
which means that if the Volume field is empty, nothing between the | is included. There are also special characters for the spaces which appear as tiny centered diamonds that mean “link adjacent”. The | lines are called “forced separation”. Most fields, particularly those that are optional fields in records, are surrounded by these in most styles. If you attach your style, someone can look at it to see if they can spot the problem.