Prior to EndNote 20, I was able to search within the the showing references, by selecting the “Search Showing” option within the Search Field; however, that option is now gone in EndNote 20.
This was an extremely important feature that helped to narrow down the list of showing references and efficiently find whatever I was looking for. Now, every search is performed on the entire record of the selected group, and there is no way to modify this behavior to “Search Showing” records only. Please bring back all the search options prior to EndNote 20, including the “Search Showing” option. Thank you!
I agree. Combined with no longer having ‘show/hide selected references’ this amounts to a huge loss in functionality and flexibility for complex use of Endnote
Absolutely. I’ve had to go back to the previous version because Endnote no longer has ‘search within showing references’
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Absolutely. I have had to back to the old version because V20 does not have ‘search within showing references’
I wholly agree, this is a significant loss in functionality
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In the update 20.1:
- The “Search Showing” option is still not back. Please bring back this important option under Search.