Endnote and in text citations


I have a Phd thesis, which I have to transfer into Chicago style. According to the university where I have to submit my thesis, there are two formats of Chicago style - notes and bibliography (which as I know can be done in Word using endnote) and author-date. In my thesis I already have  author-date citations which require bibliography.

Is there any way to automaticaly transform these in-text citations into bibliography at the end of the document in Word? Copying and inserting them into bibliography one by one requires a lot of time. I tried several options but don’t seem to be succeding, I would appreciate your help 

I am not sure exactly what you are asking.  How are your the in-text citations inserted?    As you mention, Chicago comes in two flavors, and both the footnote/bibliography and the Author, year output styles are available in Endnote.  The first, you insert a footnote then insert the citation into the footnote.  – These also appear in a bibliography listing.  The other is author, year and when you insert the citation from endnote into the text, EndNote converts the temporary citation from {author, year #RecNo} to (Author et al, YEAR) and the bibliography is also generated at the end.  

If you have entered them as footnotes and want to convert to in-text (author, year) there is macro for that.  If you want to do the reverse, there might be a macro for that too.  (see here for macros and discussion, and you might also contact techsupport, as they might have tools too).  

If you inserted them by manually typing them in… you need to do some search and replace to convert your manual entries to endnote fields to generate the bibliography automatically.  Inserting endnote citations, will automatically include them in the bibliography?  

So is your situation the last one?  Have you typed them in so they appear like this (Author et al, year)?  Perhaps you need to first do a bit of training on how endnote package works.  – You might be able to convert the parenthetical entries into something that Endnote will recognize.  Removing the <space>et al, and replacing with just the comma, then getting (Author, Year) and then converting the parentheses to curly brackets (skipping any true parenthetical remarks during the process).  Then you will end up with {Author, Year} – You also need to ensure that grouped citations are separated by semi-colons {author1, year; author2, year}.  Endnote will then find endnote library matches for any records with the listed author as a co-author and the YEAR.  It is usually easy to spot the correct one to select to insert the endnote citation, which will be a field and will be then included in the bibliography (assuming you are using the chicago style that includes the bibliography).