Looking for Chicago style formated with numbered endnotes/bibliography and superscript numbers in text

I’ve long wondered how to format text using Endnote to create Chicago-style bibliographic citations at the end of a document in numbered format with superscript numbers in the text. The example I’m looking at is something like an article in Hastings Center Report style guidelines (e.g. Gambino, 2015) or “G-Man” by Beverly Gage. It’s so common in history books but doesn’t seem to be available as an output style under Chicago in Endnote.

Is this something where you have to output in another style, such as Numbered, and then edit it by hand to match Chicago/journal guidelines?


I believe that many EndNote (the program) Chicago styles are available that will conform to the instructions described by the Hastings Center Report Submission Guidelines - The Hastings Center. The important thing to note, is that you need to use “footnote” techniques when you are writing and manually insert the footnote using the word tools, and then put your EndNote citation into the footnote- and not insert the EndNote citation in-line in the text. In EndNote’s Chicago style, footnotes or endnotes are used to reference pieces of work in the text. It can be confusing, as footnotes are at the end of a page and endnotes end up at the end of the manuscript, so they resemble a bibliography. See Inserting Chicago Style footnotes/endnotes using Microsoft Word for a demonstration of how to insert the footnotes/endnotes, but first read Entering citations into Word footnotes/endnotes (it appears that the accompanying video has been lost though.). While numbered bibliographies reuse a number for the same citation, an “endnote” style has a sequential number and repeat critical elements of the original reference if used again later with a new number. Above I tried to distinguish the EndNote Program by italics from “endnotes”. Most Chicago styles in the EndNote program either are footnote (really endnote) versions (usually designated with a B) but also include a bibliography. You may need to remove the bibliography by editing the output style (see image)

Thank you for the helpful response. I understand the difference between footnotes and endnotes, and how to create a footnote using Word and insert an *Endnote Program citation" into a footnote. I think what you are saying is that I need to select a Chicago style that uses endnotes and omit the bibliography. However, in my older Endnote Program (X9) I don’t see any Chicago endnote style option. I see the following option: Chicago 16th Author-Date, Chicago 16th Footnote, Chicago 17th Author-Date, Chicago 17th Footnote. Do I have to do something else to see the Chicago Endnote option?

<reading through your message again, I think what you are saying is that the Chicago “footnote” style format can be used for either endnotes or footnotes. However, when I select that option I just see the bibliography – I think possibly I can manipulate the settings to display endnotes with superscript numbers. However, when I try to edit the output style it says something like “this version doesn’t contain notes, select the Chicago 17th with notes.”>

It’s kind of baffling that the Endnote X9 (or any version) of the program can’t actually do Chicago-style endnotes. If I’m understanding you correctly, you have to use Word’s functionality to create endnotes by formatting the footnotes so they appear at the end of the document. Alternatively, you use a Numbered style and reformat the citations manually into superscript later?

I believe that the endnote support team may have a way to convert in text citations to endnotes, but it is macro dependent.

Few bibliography packages to my knowledge can handle the complicated procedures to move fields between in text and in “footnotes”. I would never try to use the in text scenario and manually convert to footnotes later.

While they aren’t true footnotes – you can use a numbered styled and automatically apply a style that will superscript the numbers – that part is easy (see below). But if the publication requires “endnotes” it will not reflect true footnoting requirements.

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missed a question: The “footnote” styles are the ones you want, – they just define how the output will be formatted, once you enter the endnote citation in the “endnote” as defined by your word processing software. the word processing software can adjust if the footnotes are positioned at the end of the page, or at the end of the document, not EndNote the program. I use Chicago 17th footnote and would edit to remove the bibliography, if that isn’t needed. save as to a new name Chicago 17th footnote -nobibliography

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you might want to consider zotero, which appears to have this feature. “”

To create a footnote, place the cursor beside the word where you want to insert the footnote, then click Add/Edit Citation . Pressing the button brings up the Zotero citation dialogue box.

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I guess that is what I’m always struggling with. My instinct is to cite in the text and then have a program that then formats the notes as needed. It always seems so incredibly laborious to convert back and forth between a style based on footnotes in a word processing software and an in-text Author-Date format. Isn’t that what software is supposed to do, take out the heavy lifting?

best you can do is request this – or reach out to support at clarivate to ask if they have a macro that will switch it and ask that they add the feature to Endnote

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