Endnote Click still unable to export PDFs from Elsevier (ScienceDirect platform), American Chemical Society (ACS), and Science (AAAS)

Our institution has full-text subscriptions to ACS (American Chemical Society), Science (AAAS), and ScienceDirect (Elsevier), among others. And since the “Find Full text” feature in Endnote Desktop doesn’t work with our link resolver (EBSCO) and authentication tool (OpenAthens), one of the Clarivate trainers recommended we use Endnote Click. However, Endnote Click is incapable of exporting PDFs for articles from ACS (American Chemical Society), Science (AAAS), and ScienceDirect (Elsevier) even while a user has authenticated and is viewing the PDF while using Endnote Click. On the other hand, articles from journals published by Springer, Nature, and RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry), the EndNote Click is able to export both the PDF. The inability of Endnote Click to export the PDF for ACS (American Chemical Society), Science (AAAS), and ScienceDirect (Elsevier) is a serious limitation of the tool. Please provide an update on efforts to make this fix.