EndNote Extention for Firefox (ver.43.0.3) disabled. Availability of an updated and signed version

EndNote Extention for Firefox (ver.43.0) disabled “Endnote Capture 3.8 could not be verified for use in…”  the plugin has not been verified that was last updated 2015 07 22.

Is there an updated and signed version of the “Endnote Capture” for Firefox please, as the plugin is disabled and no longer functioning?

Apparently there has been an update to the verification process that verifies and “signs” add-ons. The Endnote add-on it seems, is no longer following the newer security guidelines.

Firefox help says

“What can I do if Firefox disables an installed, unsigned add-on?
If an installed add-on is disabled because it hasn’t been signed, contact the add-on developer or vendor to see if they can offer an updated and signed version of that add-on. You can also ask them to get their add-on signed. Another option is to visit addons.mozilla.org to see if there’s a signed version of the add-on you can install.”

Did you ever get a reply to this problem??

I cannot believe that Firefox has an Endnote Add-On that won’t work if you’re using Firefox version 43 and above. As we’re  now on Firefox 50 (at least), then it’s farcical that all the Endnote help/suppporters just tell you to get an Add-On that is incompatible.

Meanwhile, the Add-On creator hasn’t updated the Add-On in years, and so I’m left with software that isn’t compatible with my web browser of choice.

It seems using Endnote is now becoming more of a hassle than it is worth!  It needs to work with most modern browsers, and most modern software, e.g. Windows 10, MS Word 2010 onwards, and work well.  Right now, it doesn’t, and I’m on the verge of giving up on Endnote, as it’s too much hassle to use.

Zotero, another referencing app, that DOES work, works well with Firefox and MS Word 2010 onwards, is amazing, and most importanly, it’s completely free and frequently updated.  Unlike Endnote.

I was under the impression that Endnote was this amazing piece of software, that would make referencing easy!

What a sick joke!