Am using EndNotes 7, and Office2003 WORD; I encountered a strange problem: when trying to format a three pages document w/ only about a dozen references, WORD simply froze.
I immediately tried out a recently edited manuscript (far longer and many more citations), and unformatting / formatting work just fine.
I suspect the new WORD document has a hidden bug (?) - Any suggestion on how to debug?
Can you unformat the document. If so, any citations that do not unformat with the rest are corrupted. As a possible workaround, use this FAQ to clean up the field codes, and then replace the problematic citations.
I know the FAQ it isn’t the problem you describe, but it is the easiest way to fix any corrupted references.
Thanks for the suggestion; unformatting was fine; I even removed all citations and then reinsert them, but WORD still freezes when formattiing is attempted.
Fortunately, it was a short document. After cutting / pasting into a new document, it formats normally.