EndNote inserts weird information

Hi. I have the latest version of EndNote and use it on Win7 Ultimate x64 machine.

Ever since i started using the EndNote i’ve been having problems with inserting referencesto webpages. EndNote inserts a webpage citation but in the reference list it shows all kinds of weird addition information which i neither put in nor need there (in yellow on hte picture attached). I tried to edit the reference but dont seem to understand how to get rid of the unneeded words it iserts.

I would the greatful for any advice.

Presumably it is because the output style you are using has no template for the ref type you are using and it is taking it from some generic entry with errors or a different field interpretation.  What ref type, what field to you have that you want in the bibliography and what output style are you using?  If you edited the output style, attach it to the message reply.  

Thank you for you answer. I use Web Page reference type  and default J Public Admin Res Theory reference style.

I looked in the journal and web sources should appear as following ( not sure if that is what you are asking about)

  • National Conference of State Legislatures. State laws related to immigration and immigrants. web address about here (accessed February 8 2012)

I added a Reference type for Web Page to the attached output style – See if it works for you.  I wasn’t sure what field “National Conference of State Legislature” is in – assumed the Author, and the title is Italicized.  

J Public Admin Res Theory -web page.ens (14.1 KB)

Thank you for your help, this should work for me.

I also learnt from your reply that i can edit styles manually, so i guess i should be able to edit the style in the future if it does not conform to requirements.