web pages


I appologise if just about everyone has encountered this problem before (i did scan through a number of posts)

I want to include a small number of websites to my reference list but when i try to manually add a new reference to endnote i can never work out what to put in the fields, - author etc - whatever i do it comes out wrong, thats why ive only ever stuck to the auto download citations!

as an example how would i put in the site from the IPCC?

so instead of wasting my time with endnote i may as well put them in manually into word,

and the obvious problem arises when i try to put them between the alphabetically generated references by endnote - it chucks a spack,

so any suggestions?

Does the website reference have to conform to a certain “style” (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)?  Knowing the style may help identify the needed fields for both the EndNote reference type and corresponding output style.  At minimum it seems the needed fields might be: Author’s Name/Organization Name, Year of Publication/No Date, Document Title, Retrieval Date, URL - but they could vary, depending upon the style.  If you’re able to provide an example or two or, better yet, a subset of the .enl file, that would be helpful.

well i normally use harvard or an edited version of it

but what i mean is, large websites normally dont have a specific author so if you put anything in that field you just get the latter half (ie surname) appearing

and if you just use other fields you dont get anything appearing in your intext ref?

does anyone else just add other sources manually between endnote generated references at the bottom in word?

have dont it before but it is a pain in the ass because endnote doesnt like it - i was hoping they would sort that out in x3?

In absence of a specific author, the name of the organization or website could suffice followed by (n.d.) for “no date” (in the “Year” field).  So the in-text citation would be:  National Center for Health Statistics (n.d.)

The corresponding EndNote bibliography entry would appear as:

National Center for Health Statistics. (n.d.). [Title of article or page if applicable]. Retrieved from http://www.nchs.org

Using EndNote reference types (current or through modification) and adjusting the corresponding output style to “fit” website information, EndNote will generate the in-text citations and bibliography reference in MS Word without having to resort to manual entry.