EndNote multiple user access

it is vitally important for our work at the University of Exeter UK that all members of a rearch project team can access the database at the same time and use it to cite references and add references. We do not have the time to work otherwise. This functionality is available with RefMan but I understand that RefMan’s days are numbered. When are you going to transfer this functionality to EndNote.

Reference Manager is far superior to EndNote in deduplication of references, this functionality is also vital to us we often retrieve more than 20,000 titles and abstracts in our searches and need an effecient tool to get rid of the duplicates. When are you going to reprogramme EndNote to the same spec. as RefMan?

Hello marybond,

The EndNote/ Reference Manager team is beginning a market research project to collect information on patterns of use and work flows within collaborative research environments. This research is meant to inform future features and capabilities for our research tools. 

I’d like to learn more about your experiences with Reference Manager and EndNote; would you be interested in participating? Our process is flexible as far as the amount of time you’d like to give to us.

Please feel free to respond here and thanks so much!

Hi Meredith

Yes I would like to take part, I’m out of the office now till Tuesday but would really value being part of this process,

Best wishes



Could you send me your email address? It can be work or home, which ever works best for you.

Thank you!