Hi, I have some confused ideas about the use of endnote as well as of refman: I am going to organize a bibliogaphic system that will share inside my company all the bib. references available up to now plus the new ones that will be buy in the near futur.
What I have understand about end note is that it was a tool designe for a single user and RefMan was designed for LAN/concomitant use of more users.
Now I see on the web that EndNote X2 is also suitable for 5 users or 5 concomitant users.
Can everybody explain me which are the differences between these two software and which of them could be the best software for my purpose ( I need to connect at least 20-40 users) ?
As far as i understand it EndNote can be used in a LAN with mulitble users IF only 1 person has the right do edit, all others can only have the reading-rights.
If all people have the right to edit and one of the opens the library, it will be locked for the others.
The manual has that written down also, maybe look into it for more detailes.
If all of the 20-40 people you mentioned should have the right to edit, than you are busted with EndNote. Reference Manager should than be the better choice (i think in the Network-Version).
I think with “suitable for 5 users or 5 concomitant users” is meant to the numbers of people, that can install EndNote (as by the license-rights)?
Personaly have no experience with reference Manager, but from what i have read/heard it is way better for mulit-user-access, but has a more complicated handling.
With “What I have understand about end note is that it was a tool designe for a single user and RefMan was designed for LAN/concomitant use of more users.” you have summed it up pretty right, i think.
You are correct, once a library is open for writing, it is not available to other users, even if they don’t have write access to it. We solve the problem by having a read-only folder on our network which is written over by a script every night by a copy from a a read/write folder.Â